Outdoor Christmas Decor~Budget Friendly Ways To Decorate Your Front Porch For Christmas
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(PS…you can find my shoes here because they are good)
Guys, I really wasn’t going to do a post on just my front porch for Christmas but then I realized that something that can take just a few minutes to throw together and look pretty cute (I might be biased) should be shared. I had visions of what this front porch would look like. I’ve seen so many beautiful front porches on Pinterest with loads of garland and giant ornaments and lights and all that jazz. I was going to do it all…and then reality set in and so did a budget so I went for plan B.
Plan B consisted of less garland, no ornaments and no lights (for now…I might add some lights later). But I love Plan B. And when Christmas is over and we are stuck in the that weird in between Christmas and Spring decor phase and we have no idea how to decorate our homes I can keep 95% of my front porch decor out.
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I shared my front porch makeover here. I purchased my plaid rug back in July way before the season of plaid commenced and I plan on keeping it out all year long but it just seems to look even cuter in the winter. Unfortunately, the rug is out of stock in most sizes so I found a few replacements rugs for you. I’ve had a few people ask about my coir rug too and I found it at Walmart. I have linked similar ones here.
When I was pulling out my Christmas decor I found this wreath that I had NO idea I ever owned. It had some glittery looking peaches on it that I wasn’t digging so I ripped them off. I gave it a little modern facelift by adding some bells and a floppy bow. I found my bells at Tuesday Morning. These bells are hard to find but you can find somewhat similar ones at here or here
Similar wreath (and much prettier)
Fresh garland stapled around the door added the biggest bang for me. It’s what took my front porch from winter to Christmas in about 5 minutes. You can get a 25 ft strand of fresh garland at Home Depot for $15. I was able to use some of the leftover garland for above my kitchen sink as well. If I had more patience I would be adding more of this garland to the rest of my porch but for now the door is the only thing getting some garland love.
The rest of my decor I found in my yard. Yes, I found a potted pine tree in my yard and I tied a ribbon around the plastic container it came in because ribbon makes anything look cuter. The lanterns I’ve had for years (you can find similar ones here) and the giant black planter was in our barn that I spray painted black this past summer.
Easy peasy…I’ve been agonizing over my mantle for months and this I crank out in 10 minutes after the kids got on the bus and I love it. Isn’t that always the case??
If you want to save this for later, you can pin it here:
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