It’s fall ya’ll…
Actually, it’s not; not even close. Still feels like an oven outside and it’s still August.
But one can dream and wish away summer, with hopes of an early fall arrival. And then, old man winter will arrive and I will be complaining of the longest winter ever. Maybe I should not wish for fall.
Regardless of the 90 degrees temps outside I made some free fall printables for you. They really are fun to do and some of the sayings had me cracking up.
Especially this one…
I mean, this saying is true 365 times a year. No need for it to only pertain to Thanksgiving
And this one..
Coffee was almost replaced with chocolate and then replaced with wine. Coffee really is a good friend to me, sometimes though wine is a better friend. She doesn’t judge. Don’t worry, though, I made both for you.
I usually hang out with my friend, Ms. Wine, while watching Jeopardy and Wheel Of Fortune with the kids. Anytime one of the kids (and husband) get an answer or solve the puzzle they scream booyah baby so this print was only fitting to put in my family room.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, but I love these frames from Walmart. They are inexpensive, come with a mat and are easy to spray paint if need be. I am constantly changing out my Walmart frames in my house per season.
I created two different versions of my printables for you guys. One with watercolors from WriteLovely
And one without..
Print these out at home or at Staples and slap them in a frame. Such an easy and inexpensive way to decorate for fall.
You can snag these FREE printables and any others I have in my library by signing up here:
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If you are already a member, these printables can be found in the email I just sent you! Now go decorate for fall…it’s never too early!
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Front Porch Planter Ideas Using Fake Flowers
Let’s Stay Home Free Printable