Come see how I decorated my front porch for fall and outdoor fall decorating ideas
Let us all pretend that it is not 90 degrees out still and that I am not wearing a tank top and flip flops as I snapped these pictures. Let us all pretend instead that there is a nice cool breeze outside and that I have on a comfy sweater and soup in the crockpot, K?
But seriously, I think the seeds in my heirloom pumpkins have cooked themselves it has been so hot lately.
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The heat hasn’t stopped me from decorating our front porch for fall though. I kept it pretty simple this year. I was being lazy and the heat was crushing my mojo. I knew whatever mums or pumpkins I’d put out here would get fried before it actually started getting cool out. So I took it easy out here.
Are you guys sick of seeing my front porch yet though? I think I have 10 front porch blog posts so far. I love decorating our front porch. It’s fun and easy and the first thing guests see.
Actually if you come to my house this is what greets you
Does anybody have any sure fire ways to keep birds off your front porch? We have tried everything and now every morning I almost pee my pants when I open the front door and see the fake owl I forgot we have. It scares me every flipping time.
Anyways back to our front porch…
I always get on Pinterest to get some inspiration and this year I have been loving the warmer colors for fall which was a fun change for me. I’m more of a blue and white (and black) decor girl so throwing orange around my house has been oddly satisfying.
I normally always use the same formula when decorating my front porch for fall. Mums, pumpkins and cornstalks are my go to decor items. Sometimes I go heavy on the pumpkins like I did to our fall front porch last year and sometimes I just get a few. It all depends on my mood.
At the end of summer I scored those white planters from Target for dirt cheap when they were on clearance and I knew I could use them year round out here.
(I can’t wait to put mini Christmas trees in them in a few months)
I switched out my faux lemon trees from my summer front porch and added in some boxwood shrubs and mums. I am not sure what I am going to do with those boxwood shrubs after fall but they are cute in my planters right now.
My newest coir rug might be my favorite thing on my front porch this year. Without a doubt this statement is as true as they come.
(I’m sorry kids, but seriously go next door)
I also love this coir mat. It came in a close second.
I normally have a plaid rug under my coir rug but I found this striped rug at TJ Maxx the other day and I loved the change out here. You can find a similar rug here or here and I have a few others linked below.
I also switched out the wreath on our front door for something more fall-ish. I love how this one looks against our black door.
Again, I’m into the true fall colors this year. Like I said, I have alot of blue and white in my house and the warmer tones are making me want fall to get here ASAP. Did you hear me, Mother Nature?
I would still like to line our steps with pumpkins and mums but I know they will fry in the heat so I’m going to wait but I am also liking the simplicity of keeping the steps empty.
See my friend standing by the front door? She follows me everywhere.
Adding fall to your front porch does not have to be difficult. A few pumpkins and mums can go along way in making your front porch feel like fall. We actually have had our cornstalks for a few years now. We just keep them and reuse them every year. I pulled them out of the barn the other day and I was just waiting for a mouse to jump out at me.
I may or may not have ran as fast as I could from our barn to the front porch with those cornstalks like I was holding a torch. What I do for decorating.
And because I love a good evening shot, I took a few as the sun was setting.
There I am in my shorts and tank top….told you it was hot out.
Once it gets closer to October and the weather ideally cools off, this front porch will go from fall to Halloween. I’ll pull the bats out and get out our skeletons. I’ll try to update this post as I can.
Stay tuned for a fall blog hop coming up in a few weeks where you will see alot more fall goodness too!
I found some other outdoor decor ideas for fall below. Click on any image to shop!
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